27 March 2017 – Luxembourg: Up2U met like-minded projects at the Commission

Up2U met like-minded projects at the Commission

The Horizon 2020 Participatory Meeting for Digital Learning Projects was organized by the European Commission, Unit G.3 on 27 March, 2017 in Luxembourg. More than 30 projects were represented by their coordinators.

The aim of this meeting was to provide an opportunity for the fellow project coordinators to get an overview of the parallel projects and identify possible synergies. The representatives of these projects were informed about the different estimated outcomes and unaddressed gaps of the presented projects. Up2U was introduced by Peter Szegedi, the project coordinator at GÉANT.

The Commission emphasized the fact that they are primarily looking for policy impact and want to formulate for the national Ministries of Education policy recommendations that emerge from results of the projects.

Synergies and collaboration opportunities were identified during the ad-hoc round-table discussions. The common interest areas included Learning Analytics, Games, Community Building, Skills Assessment for STEM/STEAM, and Wearable Technologies.

Up2U found several relevant project partners to potentially collaborate with in the near future, such as SCIENTIX run by the European Schoolnet, I-LINC, NextLab, RAGE and REVEAL.

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