Up to University

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openUp2U Lockdown, not shutdown: our Next Generation Digital Learning Environment is open for all European educational institutions! LEARN MORE

Pilot activities

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Pilot activities Know more about the countries and schools involved in the Up2U project! LEARN MORE

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IT security flyers are available online. Let’s help you with the different aspects of IT security in the classroom and beyond! LEARN MORE

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Are your students university-ready? Check out our Up2Universe portfolio
for tools that can help you get your students digitally equipped for

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Tired of cramming for the exams? Ask your teacher to check out our porfolio and try our tools that can make learning fun! LEARN MORE

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Looking for a digital upgrade? Check out our Up2U initiative and revolutionize your teaching method by integrating digital technology! LEARN MORE

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Experience the non-formal learning scenarios and motivate students by tech-savvy solutions! LEARN MORE

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Keep up with our latest news Know more about our events and activities Be part of our ecosystem LEARN MORE

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