Poland kicks off teacher training within Up2U

Poland kicks off teacher training within Up2U

On 7th June 2018, PSNC organized a kick-off meeting to start pilot activities in Poland. 27 teachers representing 15 high schools from different places came to Poznan to engage in our project.
During the meeting, the teachers first got familiar with the current status and achievements of the Up2U project. They learned about our development stage and our vision of their impact on the future evolution of Up2U tools. The teachers were also requested to take part in a survey that will help us evaluate the outcomes of the pilot activities.

After the introduction, we gave a general presentation about the use of technology in the learning process. We illustrated many strategies and techniques worth to be implemented to support learning. Finally, several tools of our Next Generation Digital Learning Environment were introduced together with real demonstration and discussion about each of them, their limitations, comparison to other existing solutions, and directions of future development. The attendants were instructed how to access the toolbox, join a relevant Moodle course dedicated to the training, and start using particular tools for their needs.

At the end, during a less-formal part of the meeting, the attendants were invited to go sightseeing in the datacenter at PSNC, where most of the Up2U services reside.

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