

The project has a team dedicated to monitoring and supporting the implementation of Up2U on an international scale. This team is responsible for providing training, monitoring, and support to the Up2U community.


During the first three months of this project, the following training plan was developed to organize Up2U’s teachers’ training. This training will help teachers become familiar with the Up2U platform and ensure that high teachers have ICT skills that are crucial for equipping their students with the 21st century skills they need to succeed at university. In addition, the training plan will reflect on most of the competences (knowledge, skills and attitudes) considered by European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu) .

Training Plan

The first step of Up2U’s training plan is to analyse the needs of our trainees by conducting a short survey among the participating schools, in order to collect data regarding high school teachers’ current levels of ICT competences. Data from this gap analysis will enable us to define specific needs-based objectives for the training process. These objectives will support the design and development of training materials as well as help us assess the success of the overall training plan.

Based on the gap analysis, the next steps of the training plan will focus on:
  • Building the training courses, by selecting appropriate technologies and media platforms for delivering them.
  • Defining the duration of each course separately.
  • Creating training material, informed by cross-cutting competences in the European DigiCompEdu Framework. Design of online training materials will be based on DigiComp guidelines.

Up2U training courses will also encourage teachers to become involved in the development of the Up2U toolkit and create a learning ecosystem where ideas for the project can be shared across schools and countries.

The Subject Matter Committee (SMC) acts as an oversight committee on the general training programme. In addition to permanent members, the SMC will also include national sub- committees which will have a few representatives each, who will advise the project regarding their particular schooling systems and pedagogical/teaching aspects.

Three categories of target audience are expected, according to the teachers’ attitude towards the new learning methodologies:
  • Constrained to changes, reluctant to trust new learning methodologies and technologies.
  • Moderately motivated to use and/or experiment with the above.
  • Very motivated to use and/or experiment with new learning methodologies and technologies.

Basic Training Structure

Training Schedule

The following table contains a draft schedule of the training programme.
Dates may overlap due to parallel work in different areas of the programme and may be adjusted to each pilot school calendar.

April – May 2017

First contact with schools
Survey / Feedback about the teachers’ needs

May – July 2017

All pilot candidate schools have confirmed their participation
Teacher contact details have been collected.

June – Aug 2017

Up2U will prepare the first training courses (online sessions – groups up to 20 teachers)
Creating training material

Sep – Oct 2017

First teachers’ training (synchronous and asynchronous)
Feedback (questionnaire) at the end of each course

Jan – Mar 2018

Application toolbox v1.0 is up and running
Intermediate trainings
Feedback (questionnaire) at the end of each course

Feb – Apr 2019

Application toolbox v2.0 is up and running
Enhanced level training (local events)


The wiki space is dedicated to project management and internal communications purposes.

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