The 1st General Assembly set the common vision for Up2U and elected the Project Board
The first Up2U General Assembly meeting was organized by the project coordinator GÉANT on 27 February – 01 March 2017 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. More than 30 people representing all the 18 project partners attended the meeting.
Up2U will focus on secondary education, supporting schools, teachers and students with technology and methodologies for developing digital competences students need in order to enter higher education and/or engage in research activities.
Up2U’s vision is to make a cloud-based secure and trusted learning platform available for the participating pilot schools in various European countries, seamlessly integrated with specific tools and services required by their typical use cases and learning scenarios.
The General Assembly members, as one of their very first actions, unanimously appointed the Up2U Project Board: Antonio Vieira de Castro (ISEP), Eli Shmueli (IUCC), Vicente Goyanes (TELTEK), John Domingue (Open University) and Gabriella Paolini (GARR).
The next face-to-face technical meeting will be in early May in Porto, Portugal.