Up2U showcases Next Generation Digital Learning Environment (NGDLE) tools and promotes project at the EDUCON 2018 conference

Up2U showcases Next Generation Digital Learning Environment (NGDLE) tools and promotes project at the EDUCON 2018 conference

Up2U held a 3-hour workshop and hands-on training on the day before the EDUCON 2018 conference, which was held 17-20 April 2018 in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. Peter Szegedi (GÉANT) gave an overview of the project objectives and the technical architecture of the Up2U ecosystem followed by a presentation on the pedagogical aspects, promoted skills and novel teaching & learning practices discussed by Mary Grammatikou (NTUA). In the practical demonstration and hands-on session, Peter showed the federated login and easy enrolment workflow on our LMS platform. Allan  Third (OU) explained the simple course creation process and demonstrated the specific activities and resources. The WebRTC conferencing tool and the H5P interactive video editing feature was very popular among the workshop attendees. The integration of Open Educational Resources (OER) from various trusted repositories aggregated by eduOER, the SelCont (Synchronized eLearning Content) tool and CERNbox file sync&share functionality was also demonstrated with success.

Up2U also presented two short papers at the conference. Peter talked about “Containerized Education by the Up2U Consortium” that illustrated how the modular and portable architecture design of Up2U can easily and quickly be deployed by Docker containers on any cloud infrastructure. Jack Barokas, TAU talked about “Multi-Stakeholder Ecosystems in Rapidly Changing Educational Environments” and gave an example of Up2U and the EduNano projects.

The Up2U workshop was recorded and live streamed by Jack using the technology that TAU also makes available to the Up2U Project.

Please find the presentations below:


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