Search, find and re-use open multimedia resources across Europe
The eduOER service of GÉANT is an Open Educational Resource (OER) metadata aggregation hub and portal service with the aim at facilitating access to digital multimedia content at the European level in the form of repositories, infrastructures and services.
Content repositories at any size or maturity are invited to offer metadata to the eduOER hub and openly exchange information about their materials for the benefit of open education and research. eduOER sets the barrier of entry low and supports the development of repositories in order to reach the critical mass.
Main Features
Posted on January 18, 2018 by Nélson Dias
An open source digital archives system focused on long-term storage
Up2U DSpace is an open source repository software package typically used for creating open access repositories for scholarly and/or published digital content. While Up2U DSpace shares some feature overlap with content management systems and document management systems, the Up2U DSpace repository software serves a specific need as a digital archives system, focused on the long-term storage, access and preservation of digital content.
Main Features
- Free open source software.
- Completely customizable to fit user needs.
- Manage and preserve all format of digital content (PDF,Word, JPEG, MPEG, TIFF files
- Customizable search.
- Unicode Facility.
- Content exposure through various interfaces (OAI-PMH, SWORD, Linked Data, REST API)
- Persistent identification using:
- Handles
- Content ingestion
- Protocols (OAI-PMH harvesting, SWORD, Simple Archive,OAI, arXiv,PubMed, CrossRef, CiNii)
- Bibliographic formats (Endnote, BibTex, RIS, TSV, CSV)
- Various authentication methods offered out of the box.
- Password based
- Shibboleth
- IP authentication
- X.509 Certificate authentication
- Usage statistics.
- Google analytics.
- Elastic Search usage analytics.
- SOLR analytics.
Posted on January 18, 2018 by Nélson Dias
P2P Video Meetings instantly and simple
Open Source basic multi participant peer-to-peer web multipart service based on WebRTC technology. It use continues presence video layout. Audio and Video conferencing with Screen Sharing Chat and Web Torrent based File Sharing. The service is based on videorooms, and simply connects everybody visiting the same URL. Private meetings based on random and long room id-s. It has a simple moodle integration.
Main Features
- Simple room based VideoConferencing
- Mute Audio/Video
- Screen Sharing
- Chat
- File Sharing
- Moodle integration
Posted on January 18, 2018 by Nélson Dias
Synchronized e-Learning Content
SeLCont – Synchronized e-Learning Content is an easy-to-use toolkit with minimal post-processing effort and no special installation requirements from lecture rooms. The final output is dynamically adjusted to any user browser (laptop, desktop, tablet, smartphone) running Windows, Android, iOS-iPad, iOS-iPhone.
Main Features
Benefits to the presenter:
- Use of standard equipment in most lecture halls (webcam, sound system, projector)
- Instructor laptop with pre-installed SeLCont time-stamp recorder (simple application)
- Minimal video post-processing (optional)
- Online storage: Simple web-page using pre-formatted form, with links to slides and video service e.g. YouTube
Benefit to the end-user (e.g. student):
- Retrieval as a URL link in web browser, no need for any add-on
- Transparent adjustment to any device (smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops)
Posted on January 18, 2018 by Nélson Dias
The Platform for Interactive Data Analysis in the Cloud
SWAN is a turn-key platform to produce rich notebooks using a simple web interface. Users only have to pick their preferred browser and can immediately start to build their notebooks combining rich text, code, equations, plots, pictures, and videos. SWAN is based Jupyter Notebooks and uses CERNBox as home directory for its users. As a consequence, all files in CERNBox can be seamlessly used in a SWAN notebook while the notebook itself can be shared on the cloud.
Main Features
- Only a web browser needed: Users do not have to take care of any installation or configuration step. The full stack of functionalities provided by SWAN can be accessed via a common web browser.
- Storage based on CERNBox: All the files stored by users in CERNBox are immediately available in SWAN. Conversely, produced notebooks are stored in the cloud and inherit all the advanced sharing functionalities provided by CERNBox. As result, a SWAN user can produce a notebook, share it with her colleagues, and facilitate its dissemination, reuse, and further development.
- Include pictures, videos, and sound: SWAN notebooks allow the use of Markdown and HTML markup languages to produce formatted text enriched by hyperlinks, pictures, and videos.
- Support for multiple programming languages: SWAN comes out-of-the-box with kernels for Python, ROOT C++, and R. Additional kernels for other programming languages (e.g., Julia, Matlab, Wolfram, Perl, Ruby, JavaScript, Go) can be installed on the back-end and made directly available to users.
- Storage and computations are offloaded to the cloud: Users do not need to reserve storage or computational power on their machine. Both types of resources are demanded to the cloud and users can take advantage of them via a simple web interface.
- Availability of scientific libraries: SWAN automatically retrieves software packages from CVMFS, a software distribution system used by the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid. This constitutes an interface to potentially access widely-adopted scientific libraries being constantly maintained and updated.
Posted on January 18, 2018 by Nélson Dias
The Sync and Share solution for Science
CERNBox is cloud-based storage, synchronization and sharing for science. Users can easily access their files via the Web interface, have them synchronized with the CERNBox desktop client, and share single documents or entire folders with colleagues. CERNBox is also accessible from mobile devices via the CERNBox app with which it is possible to automatically upload pics and videos shot with the on-board camera to the cloud.
Main Features
- Synchronization across devices: Synchronize your files seamlessly with all your desktop and laptop PCs via the CERNBox synchronization client.
- Your files always available: Access your files independently on your location and the type of device you are using. As far as you are connected to the Internet, you can download and upload files using the CERNBox Web interface or the mobile application for your smartphone and tablet.
- Offline files availability: A local copy of your files is available on your desktop and laptop PCs even when you are not connected to the Internet. As soon as the connection is re-established, the latest version of your files will automatically be downloaded from the cloud and local changes will be uploaded. The mobile application for smartphones and tablets allow you to choose the files you want to have available offline.
- Selective synchronization: The CERNBox synchronization client allows the exclusion of specific folders from the synchronization process. This will result in having such folders kept stored in the cloud but not on your desktop or laptop PCs.
- Sharing functionalities: CERNBox allows the sharing of files or of entire folders either by link (i.e., providing an URL at which the shared resource is available) or by authenticated share (i.e., sharing the resource with another CERNBox user). Advanced sharing options are available, e.g., the ability to password-protect the shared resource or to make it editable by your peers.
- File versioning: CERNBox automatically creates a snapshot of a file every time a new version is uploaded. The 10 most recent snapshots are stored in CERNBox and users can restore an older version of a file in case of changes to be reverted.
- Trash bin: When a user deletes a file, this is not directly deleted but moved into a trash bin. Files into the trash bin are recoverable in order to avoid deletions by mistake.
Posted on January 17, 2018 by Nélson Dias